Member Responsibilities


This is a quick reference list of duties and expectations for choir members.  A fuller and more precise list can be found in the Members Booklet that is available from our membership chair Lois Nagata.

Rehearsal Information: All rehearsals are held on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 9:30pm at St. James Westminster Church, 115 Askin Street, London.

Contact Information: Members are connected to our internal email list and our membership area of the website so that they can receive information concerning concerts, rehearsals, music, and extra duties.  They should also refer to the Members’ Booklet which contains the duties of choir members.

Choir Fees: Membership is $265 per person per year and should be paid to the Choir Treasurer before the end of September by cheque or by sending an e-transfer to [email protected]. If needed, alternate arrangements for payment can be made, with approval of the Treasurer and Executive. The annual membership cost is considered a donation to the choir and therefore a tax receipt will be issued to the member who pays full annual fee..

Late and Absentee Policy: If a member knows he/she/they is going to be late or absent for a rehearsal because of a conflict or illness, he/she/they must contact Lois Nagata, Membership Chair at: [email protected]

Concert dress:  Usually members are to wear black long sleeved tops (shirts /blouses), black bottoms (pants/skirts),  black shoes and socks/hose.  (unless otherwise indicated). Please consult our wardrobe chair Tara Gonder ([email protected]) for clarification of appropriate dress for each concert.

Ticket Sales: Members will be issued four tickets per concert to sell. It is expected that each member will make every effort to sell these tickets to ensure that we have a large enough audience to offset the costs of the concert.  Likewise, members are asked to make an effort to place flyers and posters in strategic places to attract an audience to the concerts.

Extra duties: In order to make sure that risers and chairs are in place for rehearsals and concerts, each member is expected to help with the set up and break down of concert stage sets. The moving of choir risers from time to time is also necessary, and assistance with this is often needed. Occasionally members may also be asked to perform other duties to ensure the success of a concert or to raise money to offset performance fees