Support London Pro Musica Choir

NEW! Donations can now be made online. Please click the link below to make a secure online donation (of any amount) via PayPal
or if you prefer you can donate to us through our page on CanadaHelps.
London Pro Musica is a self-sustaining choir whose dedicated members contribute to the cultural life of London and region through their love of singing. However, the choir’s expenses are only partially defrayed by members’ dues and by revenue from ticket sales and contracted performances. For example, our box office receipts cover only 18-20% for the necessary expenses for rehearsals, musical scores, performance venues, artistic director, accompanists, guests artists, etc.
We encourage you to become a donor to London Pro Musica Choir. Gifts are tax-deductible and may be sent to: London Pro Musica, P.O.Box 1103 Station B, London, ON N6A 5K2 or you can donate online by clicking the link above.
A charitable donation receipt will be mailed to you promptly. London Pro Musica is operated by London Choral Foundation, whose charitable registration number is 126775493 RR0001.
Your ongoing support will ensure the uncompromised quality of LPMC concerts now and for the future.
For more information, please contact our treasurer Grace Howell – [email protected]